Friday, February 27, 2009

U of C Day 2 - Chemo

Another long day. Leo's mom came in for the second installment of her stem cell collection. they did it for another 5 hours and now they have enough for the transplant next Friday. She is doing well, just wiped out. Leo is still in pain from the site where they put in his line. Hopefully that wears off soon. Today was mostly him getting medications to prepare him for his first day of chemo. We also had a couple doctors stop by to talk to us more about the procedure and what to expect. So here's what we know: Starting today through next Thursday, he is undergoing an intense chemo regimen. It takes about 8 hours each day and there is one day during the week when he will have a break for his body to recover. After his chemo, they will do the transplant of Friday and that's what they consider day 0. Days 0 through 7 will be the most crucial for him, as we wait to see if his body accepts the stem cell donation from his mom. Around day 0 as well is when they expect the chemo meds to start having their side effects on him (hair loss, nausea, fatigue, etc.), so all in all next Friday onwards is going to be a huge challenge for him. He started his first chemo treatment this evening and so far it's been going ok. He's been getting chills and his blood pressure is a bit elevated, but the nurse said this is normal. He will finish around 3 this morning.

Paul and Patrick came by to visit today, as well as Leo's parents after his mom was done with her procedure. Paul brought a wonderful surprise for Leo from the group at Mobiltravelguide-a standee of a family picture that we took at kadence's birthday (it's about 4 feet tall-if you look me up on Facebook, it's my profile picture). We've gotten so many complements on it since it arrived and I think it helps Leo miss the girls a little bit less. Thanks so much
to all of Leo's friends/co-workers that put this very special gift together for him!

Another visiting clarification-no flowers or plants are allowed. Also, no fresh fruits or veggies are allowed. Cooked food is allowed (and certain ones actuallywelcomed, because leo's actually craving some things before his appetite and tastebuds are totally shot!). Leo can have visitors at least for the next few days, but when his blood counts start to drop as a result of the chemo, no more guests. Hope this helps.

So I am going on Monday for my second platelet donation. I think Patrick is coming with me too (or did I scare you away with my stories?). If anyone else is interested and has time to spare in the U of C area on Monday, platelet donors are welcome and Leo will certainly need them over the next week. You can donate specifically for Leo so this will be a way you can benefit his directly. It is time consuming, as it will take about an hour and a half, but if you can spare it, thank you in advance!

That's it for me. It's just before 11pm and I'm wiped out! Luckily, I was able to go home a bit today and visit the girls, which totally brightened my day. I took some pics of them this evening and put them on my FB profile if you haven't seen them already. I just wanted to let Leo know what kind of goofy things they were doing this evening.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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