Sunday, March 15, 2009

U of C Days 17 and 18 - Getting Better

All in all, it's been a pretty quiet weekend. Leo's nausea and that cough are still fairly persistent. It's been about a week or so since he's had anything to eat, as the mere thought of putting food in his mouth is making him sick. They decided to take another x-ray of his lungs since that cough isn't going away. The doctors have been hearing a crackling of sorts in his lungs and they said that may be a sign of fluid collecting in the lungs. So the x-rays will let us know if this is the case. The fever hasn't returned, so that's a good thing. The one bit of good news that wee got today is that Leo's white blood cell count is creeping up, which is an indication that his body is recovering and starting to generate white blood cells again. He went from 0.1 to 0.2 in the last couple days. It's a really tiny movement, but a positive movement, which is great. The doctors want to shoot for a count of about 5 or so before considering his release. At the earliest, they said if all goes as well as it has been, he may be able to go in about a week or so. But she stressed that this would be the absolute earliest that they would release post transplant. We're not pressuring them to release, as we know it's best for his recovery for him to be under constant care, but we just wanted an idea of what timeline we may be looking at.

So that's about it. Thanks to Patrick, Arvin, Raquel and Frank for coming by to visit. The visits that Leo's getting really lift his spirits and helps pass his days. So thanks so much for coming out and sparing some time for him.

Kadence and Claudine are officially out of daycare as of last week. Per the recommendation of the doctors here, we took them out to help minimize the germ exposure when Leo comes home from the hospital. So it's a good thing that they're out so we can all prepare for him to come home, but I'm wondering how long it will be before they all go crazy from boredom.

Hope everyone enjoyed the great weather we had this weekend! Here's to a stronger, better week!

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